Feb 28, 2010

Ribut Petir di Egypt??


Aku cume nak bagitau, kepala otak aku dah penuh sarat ngan Botany neh~ tunggu nak curahkan jer atas paper exam pagi esok..huhu..

Sekarang pukul 3.15 am. Aku dah tak tido malam sejak seminggu yg lalu. Study punye pasal. Haha, last minute study always works on me!

Aku nak borak2 pasal syllabus yg aku belajar skarang. Ade 6 semuanya : Zoology, Botany, Biochemistry, Physics, Computer Science and Oral Dental Terminology. Zoology pulak terbahagi kepada 5 parts : Cytology, Histology, Physiology, Vertebrates and Non-vertebrates. Ape yg aku nak cakap kat sini, banyak jugak la benda yg aku belajar time Pre-dental year ni. For next semester, Zoology will be excluded. Kira dah tamat la bab2 zoology ni. Hehe.

Kehidupan waktu exam kat sini sangat boring. Pagi tido petang bangun, malam makan n study. Haha. Tapi lepas exam nanti for sure aku akan tukar balik putaran yg hidup tuh. Sebab, aku nk enjoy habis2 lepas exam nanti. Haha, tunggu......................!

Lepas habis Botany esok, cuma tinggal 2 paper lagi la, Physics and Computer Science. Aku pun xtau knapa Computer Science tu perlu masuk dlm exam. Hais~ (Kes xpuas hati sbb blum study ape2 lagi topik tu... Haha)

Haa, berkaitan ngan tajuk entry ni, hari khamis lepas hujan lebat ngan ribut petir... gile ah, dh la peristiwa cmtu jarang skali berlaku dekat bumi Mesir ni. Ade can plak tu aku nk rasa. Kat sini bukan senang nk jumpa hujan. Musim sejuk pn jarang skali hujan turun. Huhu.

Hey, kalo aku cerita kat member2 aku di Malaysia yg kat Mesir pun ada winter, ramai giler yg x percaya. Diorang ingat kat sini musim panas je sepanjang tahun. Tak la beb... Kat sini pun winter, just xde salji je. But, suhu die boleh tahan sejuk ar. Antara yg lowest mesti below 10 degree celcius. Kitorang semua beku kat sini. Keluar rumah pakai winter coat cantik2 mcm korang tengok dalam cerita omputeh and Korea. Camtu lah. Dalam rumah pulak asyik berselubung dalam (lihaf) selimut tebal. Sejuk wa cakap lu. Tapi bila musim panas yg betul2 datang nanti, semua pakai baju nipis2 la plak kan. Dah name panas. Tapi aku belum experience lagi tahap kepanasan kat sini. Nanti sampai masanya aku cerita yep. ^^

Ok lah, that's all for now. Aku cume boring sangat2 and dah xleh nak sambung study. So that's why i wrote anything in my mind here. It's ok if you find this entry is so boring. At least my mind feel relieved. Take care, ja ne!

Feb 26, 2010

I Pray...

I pray,

for hidayah Allah,

for my mother,

for my mother,

for my mother,

for my father,

for my family's secure,

so that they'll always be safe...

for my health,

so that i still can live, in this big world...

for my dear friends,

so that our loves will always tight...

for my future,

so that i can be better each day forward...

for najah fiddunia wal akhirah,

so that i'll live happily in the End of the Day...

for my heart to be tougher,

so i can stand on my own...

for my heart to be softer,

so that i can forgive people easily...

for my heart to be alone,

so that i can only remember God...

for my heart to be afraid,

so i will not forget death...

for my heart to have fear,

so that i'll not be arrogant...

for my heart to be sad,

so that i'll move my heart towards happiness later...

for me to meet good peoples,

so that i'll be good too...

for me to meet a great man,

so that he will bring me into happiness in the World and Akhirah

and bring me along to the Jannah, and live happily in there...

~i'll wait for the day we will meet~

Feb 23, 2010


"Pain obey the law of gas
no matter how much is the pain (gas)
it will always completely fill the empty space (container/your feeling)
so any problem
is painful"

"But you gotta learn how to manage it
because love is something that you are willing to do without asking for something back in return
every small problem is a way to be smarter"

"When the pain comes,
you will understand it and you will naturally act negatively towards it
imprinting a lot of bad things in your mind
instead of improving the situation
people tend to remove it completely
cause it's easier"

"There is no such law saying that in love during study make you worse...
because to get the best out of two requires knowledge and strength
that many people are lazy to acquire
thus to safe their own failure
they say its a failure for anybody going to attempt it
this are the times where your spiritual strength can be seen
this is the time to seek your weakness
and kill them"

"When we love somebody
only through our heart and desire
they live
we make a place for them in our heart"
we feel despair and afraid
because we think
we could never have another person
because we failed
we only fail if we give up"

"Replacing an old believe requires effort and a lot of self exploring
but you will no doubt,
be a better person"

"Forgetting a person
is like waiting on a bus
you can wait in two ways,
full of anxiety and impatient
or you can enjoy yourself while waiting
the bus
it will come when it comes
your anxiety, sadness
wont make it faster
because it will come when it will
so choose
try slowly
and enjoy your everyday life
make yourself happy
occupy yourself
you wont even realise it passing by you"

"You want to be better
you've gotta face a lot of problems
your spirit is your strength
your ai
will determine that
the love you have is the path
you will understand this
by wisdom
as you get older"

It's hard to forget people,,
But it's harder to remove them completely from our heart..
Dreaming is better than forgetting.

Thanks Mr. Azad, for your advice.

Feb 20, 2010



Wah, aku baru prasan yg blog aku dah nak mencecah angka seratus post dah.. hehehe.. (padahal org lain punye dah beratus-ratus xde plak nak bising2) Ahhahaha..gomen2.. takpe la,, dah aku memang macamni,, xde sape leh halang.. betul tak?

Esok aku mula exam,, doakan yg terbaik untuk aku ye?? InsyaAllah.. Aku ni jenis yg cool sket.. Org lain dah menggelabah giler exam tinggal beberapa jam lagi aku still syok kat sini tulis entry. Ahhahaha! Cool la beb! Alahai sebenarnye dalam hati aku pun risau.. tapi kalo asyik risau je buat ape? Buang mase je asyik ganggu emosi sendiri dengan risau neh. Don't worry, asalkan kite try the hardest, the rest is up to Allah. Kita usaha sungguh2 and tawakkal. Dah la. Lepas bahagian kita.

Time2 nak dekat exam ni macam2 la yg terjadi di pada aku. Dengan berita yg tiba2 yg buat aku down sampai ke lapisan tanah paling bawah. Lepas tu terus demam 3-4 hari sampai sekarang pun belum sembuh sepenuhnya. Hey, i can't help it, but just have to endure it. Benda di luar jangkaan kita. Ye, salah aku. Dan, semestinya aku akan salahkan diri aku, kalau result exam nanti x seperti yg aku jangkakan. I'm stupid! Baka!

Ni semua disebabkan aku terbaca ayat Mr. K, "It's your fault. To love someone who you can't have is your big mistake, idiot." Huhui,, ayat mencengkam hingga ke tulang. Haha, jgn risau, aku tak nak langsung cerita pasal tu kat sini. Kat sini dah terlalu public. Dah tak privacy lagi. And i loves privacy.

Even this blog only reveals 5% of my true self. You will not know all about me by reading even all of my posts. You stupid.

Hari ni memang aku nak mengata kat sume orang. Sory ye kalau x senang membacanya. Kalau rasa aku tak patut tulis ke, buang masa baca ke, sila pangkah sekarang. Aku x kisah, asalkan sebahagian dari apa yg aku fikir, dah aku luahkan. Takde la berat sangat kepala otak aku nak bawak pegi exam esok.

It is annoying for me, bila kau bertanya soalan yg paling bodoh untuk dijawab. Contohnya, kau fikir la sendiri. And aku rase macam orang bodoh jugak kalau jawab.

Dan kau jangan nak berlagak sombong bila keluarkan ayat, "If you want anything, find me..." Sorry beb, aku rasa ayat ni sangat arrogant, even if a bestfriend said that. Tau kenapa? Kerana aku rasa macam kau fikir yg kau sangat la orang yg terpenting bagi orang tu. Dan macam kau tak perlukan orang tu, tapi orang tu yang sangat memerlukan kau. That's egoistic, you ego. Give and take la. That's what a relationship means.

Don't even try to judge on people. Even Allah did not judge His servants, but only when The Judgement Day arrives. Bayangkan, kau tengok sekumpulan lelaki lembut tengah syok hang out kat Mall, lepas tu, bayangkan macam mane reaksi muka kau bila pandang diorang. Bayangkan muka kau yg buruk gila bila pandang mereka dgn pandangan yg meluat. Mereka manusia, macam kau. Atau, darjat kau lebih tinggi dari manusia kah? Mereka manusia. Kau?

Contoh kedua, kau punye appearance, sangat la perfect dari luaran. Lebih kurang mcm flawless la kan. Diri kau pun dikelilingi orang2 yg lebih kurang perfect macam kau. Kau pulak, bangga giler sebab orang susah nak cari salah kau, disebabkan appearance luaran kau. Maka, ada la sorang hamba Allah yg masuk di kalangan kaum2 kau yg sempurna tu, dengan appearance yg biasa, maksud aku, tak sempurna, tak macam kau. Lalu, kau, dengan org2 sekeliling kau tadi berpandangan la dengan pandangan yg jelek, seperti hamba Allah itu berbuat salah pada kamu semua. Maka, mulalah minda2 korang mengeluarkan kata-kata yg tak baik tentang dia. Sepertinya hamba Allah tu sangat la pelik kerana appearance dia x macam korang. Sepertinya dia tu tak sesempurna korang. Akhirnya, korang mendiskriminasi si hamba Allah itu.

Hei, beb! Sekurang-kurangnya, hamba Allah itu jujur pada diri sendiri. Tau di mana tahap darjat dirinya. Takde la hipokrit seperti korang. Dia tahu dirinya macam mana, dan dia tunjukkan dari luaran. Sebab itu lah dia lebih senang didekati, kerana dari luarannya pun tak menipu. Tak macam korang, walaupun luaran sangat la cantik mata memandang, tapi siapa tahu, hati korang yg penuh dengan hasad dengki dan perasaan benci serta diskriminasi. Sangat bahaya, bila dengan korang ni, hanya manis muka di depan saja. Talam dua muka. Alangkah buruknya talam tu...

Jangan nak harap orang yg faham kau je. Orang sendiri pun tak faham diri sendiri. Nak kata nak faham kau. Jangan fikir diri kau je yg bermasalah. Kau je ke yg hidup dalam dunia ni? Everybody has their own problems. But only in different kind of problems. Orang kaya, kurang kasih sayang. Orang kaya kasih syg, tapi hidup dalam kedaifan. Orang yg sempurna dari luaran, tapi hatinya x sempurna. Kamu semua sendiri boleh nampak, kan?

Tolonglah, jangan perasan lawa sangat. (Macam tuan punya blog neh)

Tahu tak, kamu semua memang sangat sombong, berlagak serta ego?

Lu fikirlah sendiri...

Feb 19, 2010

Hey, aku ta paham!


sakit kepale.. hentak kepale..


pening kepala.. berpusing2..


banyak yg x abis study lagi... adeh~


diri terumbang-ambing.. dush3!




Nah! ambik kau!!!


daku terpenjara!!!!


nak bangun je asyik kene down...


air mata kuar non-stop...!


korek idung jap,, jilat,, ermm...


aiseh,, dh jadi mcm kasim selamat daa..


jangan kau ganggu daku..


daku tengah x betul ni kau nampak tak???!!!


jom dengar2 music jap.. release tension yg bertimbun neh...


mmm.. yum yum yum..


jom la gi jalan2 jap.. huhuhu..




bye2!! Ja ne!!!

Feb 18, 2010

He looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
What I want and I need
And everything that we should be

I'll bet she's beautiful
That girl he talks about
And she's got everything
That I have to live without

He talks to me
I laugh 'cause it's just so funny
I can't even see
Anyone when he's with me

He says he's so in love
He's finally got it right
I wonder if he knows
He's all I think about at night

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

He walks by me
Can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly
The kind of flawless I wish I could be

She better hold him tight
Give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes
And know she's lucky 'cause

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

So I drive home alone
As I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down
And maybe get some sleep tonight

'Cuz he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

He's the time taken up but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into
He looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see

P/S : This "Teardrops in my guitar" lyric has been edited at some parts...

Kantoi lagi??


Yesterday i was hanging out with my friend from Tanta.

You know about that from the previous post.


This morning (err,,maybe late morning,,haha!),, a phone call woke me up

Dr Tuan Haniff calling...


"Waalaikumussalam, sihat?"

"Err,,x sangat la knape?"

"Ye ke xsihat? Semalam nampak men bowling okey jerr"


Me : Aiseh!!!!!!!!!

Kenapa dengan hidup aku 2-3 hari ni asyik kantoi jer???


Tapi semalam memang mcm pernah nampak kelibat 2 org makhluk Mansoura ni
(Haniff n Azfar)

Nak jadikan cerita semalam aku xpakai contact lens,, terlupa...

So,xjelas la kalo terserempak ngan diorang neh.. tau2 je la aku kn..

Diorang plak sengal xtegur aku..

Kalo kantoi kat tempat kejadian xpe gak..

(Tapi nasib baik lagi la sebab kantoi ngan 2 org ni)

Sekurang2 nye bukan dgn org "itu"...


Nape la ngan hidup aku 2-3 hari ni asyik kantoi jerr?


"Don't worry be happy"



sempena nk dekat exam nie...


post aku pendek la sikit dari biase..

hari ni aku keluar lepak Citystars dgn member dari Tanta..

sampai sane,, usha2 barang yg berkenan..

beberapa dress n shirt yg menawan hati..

kasut yg boleh tahan jugak..


kire2 duit,, xcukup neh kalo nk beli ape2..

g atm, draw duit..

then masuk lagi kedai lain..

usha2 lagi..

tibe2 dapat mesej dari org jauh

"Athifah draw duit ***le ke?"

uish,, lupe lak aku pakai akaun mak aku..

aku bocorkan la rahsia g jalan2 kat mall.. hehe..

mesej kedua,

"Makan xpe jgn nak melaram baju pulak"

Me : Aiseh~ =,=''


Terus xbeli ape2 tadi.. round jer..

p/s : ape ni mak,, kalo nk kantoi pun biar la lepas balik rumah n dh beli barang dulu.. ahaks~

p/s : doakan aku berjaya untuk exam kali ni yek?



Feb 17, 2010

Walimatul urus di perantauan...

Assalamualaikum! Ape khabar... i'll make it short. Yesterday, Monday (15 Feb 2010) we've attended 3 walimatulurus. X banyak beza majlis perkahwinan di Malaysia dengan di perantauan. Cuma ada keistimewaan sikit dengan majlis yg cuma dihadiri rakan2 seperjuangan, serta majlis bergotong-royong sesama pelajar seangkatan. Lagi best la! So there it goes,,

first is my classmate, K.Syarifah.. sorry but no picture of her here because of some reason...
kami kat sini menyibuk dlm bilik pengantin, hehe.. majlis di Rumah Perak..

budak2 ni pun dah xsabar dah ke nk menimang anak? ni anak seorang pelajar di Cairo ni..

Aish,, daku diapit 2 pengantin? Hehe,, dh xlame dah ke??? XD
ni kakak2 senior medic Ain Shams..

walimatulurus kedua di Masjid Salam.. 2 pengantin dalam 1 majlis..

ish,, ini xde kaitan dengan walimatulurus tu.. ni cume nk bangge skit sbb ni la bihun goreng pertama yg aku pernah buat.. istimewa dari perantauan.. hehe.. eh, mane aku pernah masak bihun goreng sebelum ni walaupun kat Malaysia.. kacau mak aku masak pernah la.. hehe.. tu yg bangge lebih neh.. sedap pulak tu,,hehe..

That's all for now, nanti kene bebel ngan mak.. dah la blog dah terkantoi.. ahaks~ Ja Ne!

P/S : Waa.. abg Ben follow blog.. hehe.. welcome2 abg Ben!

P/S2 : Aiseh,, aku demam la.. sejak semalam lagi.. xbaik2 pun..

Feb 16, 2010

Alamak, terkantoi sudah...!?

This morning when i wake up

i got a message from my mom...

(this message has been edited at some parts)

Salam, jgn habiskan masa dgn blog, mak tengok blog Athifah n gambar2 bercuti.. x payah tulis la bnda2 yg mengarut sangat.

Me : Aiseh...

P/S : to everyone,, i have my own way of expressing myself..can't help it..huh~

Feb 15, 2010

Ronda-ronda sekitar Cairo

This entry contains a lot of pictures! Hehe...

Assalamualaikum! Sorry sebab aku nye update kali ni lambat daripada biasa. Sepatutnya aku postkan entry ni semalam tapi disebabkan ada masalah teknikal aku terpaksa tangguhkan dulu. Kali ni aku ronda-ronda Cairo dengan housemate. Kami ikut trip pakej pelajar. So, mana kitorang pergi hari Sabtu (13/2/2010) baru ni yep? Jom kita usha2 gambar2 yg aku sempat ambik.

Seperti yg korang tengok, kami ke Pyramid di Giza. Ini gambar kat luar pagar jek. Nak masuk bayar le. Harga student 35 le. Terbang duit aku~

Ni gambar kami naik atas piramid. Ramai gile r pelancong xkira dari negara mana pun.

Pemandangan Pyramid dari jauh. Serius macam lukisan.

Piramid di atas tangan. Nothing is impossible! Hehe.


Masjid Imam Syafi'e

Yg hijau tu pagar yg mengelilingi makam Imam As-Syafi'e

Kat sini dipercayai ada tapak kaki Nabi Muhammad S.A.W

Kubu Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi

Masjid Fatimah az-Zahra'

Alamak, lupe nama masjid ni... jap2, Masjid Muhammad Ali Basya

kat sini didirikan Muzium Polis

sekitar luar Masjid Muhammad Ali Basya

dalam masjid

Masjid 4 Mazhab

ni last skali kitorang menyusuri Sungai Nil dgn bot. ok ni bukan bot yg kitorang naik...

That's all for the entry jalan2... Next i'll post entry about the 3 walimatulurus that we've attended today. Ja Ne!

Kau rasa?

Sometimes kau rasa empty bila suami jauh dari kau. Kau rasa takde protection, kau tak rasa belaian kasih sayang dia. Even though nowadays we...