Oct 29, 2009

Anda Boleh Dipercayai???


Aku cuma menulis mengikut kata hati. Tak mengata pada sesiapa, juga tak berkaitan dengan diri aku KECUALI dinyatakan. Takde apa sangat la yang aku nak cerita hari ni.

Aku cuma nak tanya la kan pembaca semua kan, antara lelaki dan wanita, kaum mana yg lebih dipercayai?

Lelakikah? Kenapa?

ah! Jesse McCartney yg cute. Suka stail rambutnya.

Wanitakah? Kenapa?

Kelly Clarkson pun cantik jugak. Juga sukakan stail rambutnya. XD

Tapi kan zaman sekarang ni kita dah sedia maklum, susah nak percayakan orang ni. Pada pendapat aku, lelaki yg lebih susah nk dipercayai. Aku tak kata semua, ok? Sila baca semula ayat tadi kalau rasa aku menyalahkan lelaki je. Aku cuma cakap mereka LEBIH susah nak dipercayai berbanding wanita. Tapi tapi tapi, wanita pun apa kurangnya.. kan? kan?

So, buat la kesimpulan sendiri berdasarkan pengalaman hidup dan pendirian anda. Yang penting, kepercayaan adalah yg paling utama dalam setiap perhubungan.

Sedikit nasihat untuk pembaca serta diri sendiri, jadilah orang yang boleh dipercayai. Jangan jadi pisau yg menikam belakang orang, haruan makan anak, talam dua muka dan bagai lagi la.
Honesty is the best Policy. Eh, macam aku pernah baca kat mana-mana je ayat ni. Kat mana ye?

Oct 28, 2009

Chokore-to...The Sign of Friendship

Anda kenal ini apa?



Dan ini?

Anda pasti?

Ini adalah coklat. In English we called Chocolate. In Japanese, Chokore-to. Everybody loves chocolate. Oh, mungkin ade jugak yg tak suka. Forget about those who doesn't like chocolate.

Aku merupakan salah seorang dari kamu, kamu, dan kamu, manusia yang gilakan coklat. Terpandang je gambar ni, dah tangkap leleh. Belum lagi tengok yang real. Kalau melintas kat Famous Amos tu pun dah x tertahan lagi. Nak pulak kalau poket tengah bekepuk-kepuk duit, mau dihabiskan ke arah benda ni je. Tapi xboleh...nafsu..nafsu..ape lagi perempuan kn yg ada 9 nafsu 1 akal, lagi la kuat perasan nak memuaskan nafsu yg 9 tu.

Si makhluk yang bernama Coklat ni pulak boleh la tahan harganye. Kalau coklat yg mahal yg orang-orang muda sekarang habiskan untuk bagi pada aweks and pakwes tu, duit tu dah boleh gune untuk pegi date and makan Sensasi Delight Set No 2 kat Pizza Hut. Porut ekau pun konyang. Haha..perbandingan yg sepatutnya ke arah kebaikan tapi alih-alih, sama jugak. Ahaks~maaf atas kesengalan Cik K. Cuma nak cakap betapa coklat ni boleh jadi lebih mahal daripada apa yg anda boleh makan kenyang2. Ada jugak yg murah macam Toblerone tu.

Critics: Apa yg best sangat tentang coklat ni? Entah la, mesti Cik K ni selalu habiskan duit beli benda ni. Sebab tu dia tau harga coklat ni sume. Childish..

Cik K: Ahem! Mr n Mrs Critics, it's my rights to buy anything because it is my money not yours. And for knowing all of these including prices of whatever, well, thanks to my 'childish' hobby that is "window shopping". Not shopping till dying to pay. *winking*

Critics: =.="

Apa yg best sangat tentang coklat? Rasanya, teksturnya, warnanya, dan punya bermacam-macam jenis dan gaya yg dicipta. Manis-manis berlemak, ditambah dengan pelbagai jenis kacang, tekstur yang lembut, kemudian dihias secantiknya untuk menarik selera orang yg melihat...Ah..sememangnya coklat. Well, no wonder ramai orang menyukainya. Tapi, disebabkan terlebih consume jugak, ramai yg terkena penyakit. Sakit gigi la, lemak la...mcm2 lagi la. Haha..nasib la sape yg xjaga kesihatan dan terlebih makan coklat tuh.

Anyway, kenapa aku keluarkan topik ni sebenarnya? Ada kaitan dengan tajuknya. Coklat itu tanda persahabatan. Aku temui kebenaran fakta ni sejak beberapa tahun lepas. Ianya bukan simbol cinta antara lelaki dan wanita semata-mata. Lebih pada tu, ianya lebih kepada kasih sayang, serta penghargaan kepada seseorang yg kita sayangi. So, bila kita temui orang yg kita rasa ingin hargai, apa kata hulurkan saja sebiji coklat padanya. Tak perlu banyak. Appreciation doesn't count in quantity.

Sahabat pun boleh dikaitkan dengan coklat. Semua suka bersahabat. Sahabat pun bermacam jenis dari luarannya. Ada yg kurus, tinggi, genit, gemuk, besar, handsome, cute, cantik...mcm2 lagi. Dari segi dalaman pula ada lagi yg berbeza. Pemarah, caring, baik, ceria, pendiam, lembut hati, berahsia, mulut banyak...semua ada. Banyak kawan, banyak la ragam kan. Kadangkala, bila kita terlalu sayangkn sahabat kita, akan berlaku kesilapan dan salah faham. Paling teruk boleh terputus sahabat. Kalau terlalu caring dikatakan jaga tepi kain orang. Overprotective, jadi mengongkong. Kalau x ambil berat sangat, dikatakan mengabaikan sahabat. Pelbagai lagi masalah yg dihadapi bila kita berhubungan dengan orang lain. Huhu..manusia ni bermacam ragam.

Tu je aku nak cerita hari ni. Till then, ja ne!

Oct 25, 2009

De' Village

Assalamualaikum and hello! On 23 Oct 2009 i've been in my mother's kampung in Kg. Batu Tiong, Dungun. My mother kept on pushing me to go with her so i've no choice since i don't have any important thing to do. Haha.. One of the best thing is, i've got a chance to go to the Pantai Batu Pelandok and swim in it!!! haha.. xD I'm not going to tell much about this 'holiday'. Let these pictures follows...

this is my late grandmother's house. now it used to be rented. this is the place where my mother was grown up after moving from Kg. Seberang Takir.

my aunt's house. it is next to the grandmother's house. she is my mother's older sister. i used to live here with her since i was a child years ago.

tadaa! (nyempat je posing)

then, on the way home, me n my mother stop by at Lempeng Restaurant for lunch.

near the restaurant

behind mother is Kapas Island.

Ja Ne!

Oct 21, 2009

Am I Understand What Love Is?



Any of this entry is from the writer's own ideas and some maybe from other persons' ideas.

Assalamualaikum! Hi everybody! How are you today? May Allah Bless you. ^^ While i'm taking my bath just now (is it necessary to tell this?? =.=!), i've been thinking about posting this entry. Haha..well, bathroom is the only place where my mind will have some peace and get some wonderful ideas. Ahaks~

Do i understand what love is? Oh, this question was actually for you all the readers! But, i'm kinda like to have a catchy title so, gomenasai (it means 'sorry') if you think that you were being cheated by the title. Haha! So, do answer it with your own idea ^^. What love really is? Is it only created for a relationship between man and woman?

Love is in the air. I often heard it. Love is widely open. We all live in God's Love. We all die because God Loves us the Most. Love is not only created just for human especially between man and woman. Love to your parents, your family, your friends, your wife, your husband, your children, your soul mate, even yourself. If you wants to love somebody, love yourself first.

Besides, some of you also loves animals, natures, your own belongings, and the Earth. It is normal for a human to love something. It is a special gift from our God. We should appreciate it by taking care of what we loved.

But, in this world nowadays, i've seen many people are not thankful for the gift. The gift of love. Or to be more precise, lost of the 'brain'. People who has a brain, but did not use it in a right way. Betrays their own love. Destroys anything that they had loved before. Mostly people that did not love themselves. Destroys their own life. There are so many things that will make people loss their dignity as a human.

You will never know what love really is, until you have truly loved...
And you will never know what pain really is, until you have lost it...

Ah, whatever it is, love yourself before you love somebody. And when you already love someone, be faithful and take care of your love ones. Also, when you love somebody, don't hesitate to let them know that you love them. Although you may show your love by actions, but for saying that you love them by words, is the most joyful moments for them. Words of love will create a great feelings for that person. But, for me, i still didn't have a strength to say those words to my beloved ones. Even do, i still want you to do this to your loved ones.

I love you
Ai shi teru
Te amo
Sayang kamu
Tumse pyar karte hu
Wo ai ni

This is some examples of quotes of love. There is other words that are kind of "hidden" meaning. This depends on yourself. You may use other words rather than 'Love' itself.

I am really pity of myself for not having the strength to express love by words to my loved ones even to oka-san. x_x

P/S : Love yourself before you love somebody.

Oct 17, 2009

Oh! My Precious Hobby! ^,^

Assalamualaikum! Since the last entry, i've been dying to think of posting a new post about myself.. huh? About myself again? Fuh~it'll be boring.

Critics: Yeah,, it's always about you and your stupid hobbies. Why don't you post some entries about what happens in the world now?? Readers maybe (absolutely!) boring about all of these childish side of you.

Mrs K: Talking about childish..eh?*smirking* Sorede~if you already 'known' about my childish acts and hobbies, you should just keep your mouth shut and bear with my childish behaviors!!! Well, do i cares about you? This is my blog and i'll write anything i want!!!

Critics: How childish...=_='

I do have some empty time for me to do anything i like. Well, i'm always a normal person though! Ahem..*coughing* So, about my hobby, eh? Erm..the most obvious hobby that i have that maybe some of you will know is surfing! Of course~this time i always surfing. Friendster, Myspace, Fac KMNS Forum, IluvIslam.com, AnimeSeries.com, Blogger, playing online games and sometimes searching for someone i know. Haha..i'm some kind of perv! Ok pardon me if i'm being so random.

Herm,, i do love anime! Hihi.. that's the childish part that all the CRITICS up there was yelling about.

Critics: Wh..? Yelling? How rude you are!

Mrs K: Ahh.. i think i should call someone here to shut your mouth up.. Sebastian!

Sebastian: Yes, My beautiful Princess. *bow*

Mrs K: Ahh..! I'm really daydreaming of having a charming guy like Sebastian be my bodyguard.*nose bleeding* Oh, maybe my lover.. Kya!!! ^^

Sebastian: Huh... having a lover like you? That'll always be my worst horrible nightmare.*devilish smile*

Mrs K: You're so cold.

Oh, do you know who is Sebastian? The Black Butler. A very handsome guy! Thihihi.. Oh well, this is the bad effect of being addicted to anime too much. But i'll make sure this craziness will end when i'm entering the class this November. I swear to myself! Ganbatte, Kimmy-chan! Ahaks~

Huh.. although i really have so much time left before flying, i still doing such stupid things and wasting much precious times. Knowing that then, i should find some medical books and study...oh actually i do have two medical books, but it is oka-sama's old books when she was training for nursing, 35 years ago! Haha.. oka-sama always good at keeping important things ^^.
But then, when i start to read those books, my eyes start to turn sleepy. It's not like when i'm reading my-oh-so-many comics collection!!! Kyaa!! Thihihi...should change that habit also! Ganbatte!

Ah, i've ran from the topic again! = ='

I also like driving and strolling (huh, betul ke perkataan nie?) to the city. Like in Kuala Terengganu, i always go to the beaches. Well, i love to be at the beach. Then, i also like to play bowling and watching movies at cinema (Oh, i only do this outside Terengganu because there is NO cinema here...kind of sad,huh?).

Oh, i really, really loves anime! Haha.. i don't know until when did my addiction to anime will end. ^,^ Hehe..

There is something that i 'll not tell about my-not-so-secret hobby in this entry. Hmm, maybe i'll make an entry about it. I don't promise it! Hehe.. till then, see you later!

Oct 14, 2009

Before This, I Used To...

Assalamualaikum!!! Setelah lama x menulis entry (such a liar!!!) sejak entry lalu dipost aroundpukul 1400pm tadi. Ahaks~terasa begitu lama bagi manusia yg tiada kerja nak buat. (really wants to make all of you jealous) Thihihi.. ok, aku sengal.

This entry was 100% about myself. Tak kisah la orang nk judge personaliti aku mcm mane pun. Something in your mind, do drop your comments k! ^^

Red. The color of Passion. Courages. Blood. Anger. Sacrifice. Fire. Love. Before this, I used to love red so much. The color that catches the eyesight first. Everything about me, is full of red. The Red-Obsession of mine. My obsession to red, exceeds everything. I really, really loves red.

Just like Madam Red, Ciel's Aunt in Kuroshitsuji, also known as Aunt Anne. She really loves red. Her natural hair color. The passionate Crimson red.

How the red color catches my eyes, also my heart deeply fall in love to a person. When i was still a child, i don't know how to describe the 'love' to that person. But, somehow, when i'm in the middle of teen ages, i finally found the real meaning of love to the person. My feelings of love to the person, same to my love to the color of red. I finally can describe my feelings by the color. The Passionate color. The Red Obsession.

Until that time, when my heart finally broke. When that person would never been loved by me anymore. When that person already have his own love. When i really can't look at that person's eyes anymore. When i've only can look at that person from behind. When i know it's already too late. Until i realized how love at the first sight really hurts.

How love at the first sight to that person begins to disappear, my obsession to the red color also fades. How easy i am. Easily to fall, easily to being hurt. But, no one knows how i tend to endure the pain. How i begins to have my own strength again. How i rebuilt my own personality.
I am now, is really different from i am before. 90% of my personality has changed. I sometimes didn't recognize my own self. At that time, i also did not love the color red anymore. But i still used it, to remind the memories. Now, i am engulfed by the darkness of the black. I am now, really, really loves black. The Black Temptation. Darkness. Fears. Silence. Mystery. Secret. Now, i really loves black. Like a best friend of mine, Heiji-san. We do love black so much. Until now, until now.

This is the real story. Written by the Black and Red lover. The MindReader. Yes, I am.

_Rottkappchen stands for The Little Red Riding Hood_

Continue from Last Night


Huhuhu..mcm pelik je aku nye post ade sambungan yg semalam lagi. Macam x pernah dibuat orang je..kui3. Erm,mungkin ending post aku agak senget smalam. Ah, lantak ar, meh aku betulkan ape yg senget tu yek. Actually dah xde ape pun, tu je yg aku nak citer. Cehs~sengal. Ape yg aku tertinggal cuma lah beberapa keping gambar tentang kejadian semalam serta beberapa pertukaran tarikh yg agak membuatkan aku rase san
gat ingin mencarut. Aduh, aku cume akan mencarut dlm hati je, xkan ditulis dalam blog ye.

Awal pagi tadi aku dah dikejutkan dengan panggilan dari Klinik Oncologi HUSM tentang tarikh SRS yang ditukar dari 4 November 2009 kepada 11 November 2009. Seminggu delay. Dan disebabkan penukaran tersebut maka tarikh flight aku ke Egypt akan ditunda lagi ke tarikh 20 November 2009. Dan semua perkara yg berlaku ni akan membuatkan hidup aku bertambah huru-hara!

Huru-hara tu maksud aku,

Budak2 Dental lain dah mula belajar sejak awal bulan Oktober lagi
aku masih di Malaysia xbuat ape2 pun lagi

Betul-betul nak bunuh aku. Aku akan ketinggalan sebulan setengah dari yg lain. Ape yg aku fikirkan, mampu ke aku catch-up segala menatang yang dah orang lain belajar selama sebulan stengah tu?? Bukan xboleh belajar sendiri, tapi belajar tanpa guru yg mengajar tu perkara yg agak mustahil bagi manusia logikal macam aku. Dah la course ni kritikal.

Pengkritik : Tapi tapi tapi...yang Cik K ni gatal sangat ambil course ni apehal? Dah la tau diri tu sakit masih lagi cari pasal. Itu lah manusia. Tak sedar akan kemampuan sendiri.

Cik K : *staring* Huh! Aku punye suka! Aku yg akan belajar, bukan kau! Aku dah buat keputusan dan aku akan hadapinya sendiri. Aku bukannye akan susahkan korang wahai pengkritik sekalian.

Pengkritik : =.=' *stunned*

Sambung2, oka-san pun dah fed-up jugak dengan postpone memostpone neh (maaf aku merosakkan bahasa Inggeris). Asyik2 call orang MedicMesir nk postpone je. Kesian jugak oka-san menebalkan muka call office MM selalu. Aku kesian sangat dengan oka-san ni. Aku rasa aku lah anak yg paling susahkan dia. Aku dah susahkan dia dengan banyak perkara. Aku selalu jugak keluarkan air mata bila fikirkan yg aku banyak buat air matanya keluar. Oka-san pun kesian jugak dengan nasib aku ni. Perangai dah elok tapi kena dengan ujian lain pulak. Herm...

Aku x kisah la tentang ni. Memang agak fed-up tapi bila fikirkan yg aku dah pilih jalan ni, lalui je la. Harap aku x gagal memilih jalan ni.

*elok - aku betul-betul maksudkannya.

ni jalan kat dlm Klinik Oncology

ni la head frame yg aku citer semalam. menakutkan tak?

bangunan wad HUSM

P/S - Dan aku terfikir, mungkin Allah aturkan sesuatu yg lebih baik bila aku terpaksa postpone lagi pengajian aku.

Sleepy but still~

Assalamualaikum! Hihi.. How are you guys? Hope you will always peace in Allah's love (^o^),, Oh, it's already 0030 am and i'm just start writing..hihi..actually i've been stunned into someone's blog from 2000 pm until just now and i think those people who loves to read about teenager's topics especially about girls will be stuck there like me..(i really was!) want to know more? just go through this link! The main reason why i'm writing this post is to share about what happened today (actually,yesterday already)..

Today i wake up early just after azan subuh. This is because we'll (me,oka-sama and otou-sama) be going to the HUSM for the appointment with the doctors to fix the date for SRS (Stereotactic Radiosurgey). After having discussions with the doctors, 4th November 2009 will be the lucky date for me.. thihihi..seriously lucky because my flight to Egypt was on 15th November 2009 so i still have 10 days to recover after the SRS. But now, i didn't want to tell more about going to Egypt.

I've been given full explanations about the SRS, the effects and the procedures also. I've also been googled some more informations about the SRS i'll be going through. How curious of me..ahaha..xD
This is some informations that i've got from the doctors and some was copied from this website.

What is SRS (Stereotactic Radiosurgery)?

SRS treats brain disorders with a precise delivery of a single, high dose of radiation in a one-day session. Focused radiation beams are delivered to a specific area of the brain to treat abnormalities, tumors or functional disorders.

What is the procedures according to my case (Cerebral AVM)

I'll be wearing a round-shaped 'frame' (i still can't find the real name on the website) on my head. It'll be screwed into my head in four holes, two at the front and two at the back (it was the real screw). After that, Brain CT Scan will be performed and also i'll be going through Angiogram again..yes, the painful procedure i've already mentioned for several times before...and the last thing is the real Radiosurgery. But, i've been told that the overall procedures will be a whole day period..that's because there will be more waiting (and wasting) time rather than the procedure itself. *sigh*

huh..i really don't have any other ideas to write about. Actually i'm already sleepy now but still trying hard to finish this post. ahh~i really can't stand it now!!! Gotta go to sleep now. I'll continue about this story tomorrow k...*phew*~

Oct 12, 2009

Day 16_Goodbye sickness, Goodbye sadness

it's been awhile since my last post about my-new-baby that is my lovely left arm
(is it really lovely? *sigh*)
haha..actually i'm not really that busy and i'm always online everyday and playing games
(hope that many reader will be so jealous to me..hahahaha!)
it just that i'm a bit lazy (yeah, you are..admit it!) to update about my health and left arm daily because of the slow progress of my left arm.
so, i think that the readers will be boring to read the same topic again and again, right?

Now, my left arm's condition was getting better day to day.
The swollen part that i have mentioned before was already gone since i'm taking a good care of it
(yeah, i'm good at taking care of those kind of things even wounds and scars)
haha..i'm not being proud or what, just telling some hidden facts about me. xD
oh, what i actually did was just a simple thing, i just put some ice to the swollen part and in two days, the swell disappeared..yay! goodbye sickness!


oh, last week after i went to the physiotherapy in HSNZ, i have been taught some of the exercises and tips to do in home (let's call it homework! ahaha) so i have already done it.
the results was really great. my left arm seems to be very good in function.
the rest is just the loss of touch sensation.
i think that the loss of touch sensation will be permanent...herm..*thinking*

but, it's ok. for me, it's just a small matter. i've already chosen this path and i won't turning back.

what kind of homework i've been given? haha..just some simple task.
i've to put my left arm in hot water, exercise involving left leg, and doing things more using left arm.. sure it isn't very hard, right? and i enjoyed doing those things..hahaha

my headache was finally mislaid slowly. there is still presence of the pain, but it is in on and off.

ah, today, 12/10/09 i went to the physiotherapy again. haha..this time also playing the dumbell plus some childish games..haha..feels like i'm gone back to the past again..ahaks~

main penyepit baju

main bende nyet-nyet (really don't know what it is called..hehe)

then, after the session, me and my mother went to the Pantai Batu Burok to have some drinks and ikan kembung celup tepung and breathing fresh air (haha). so, let the pictures be the end of this...


Oct 10, 2009

Don't Let Me Go

ape la aku ni...
selalu jer mimpi mengarut2 sejak2 ni..
mentang2 la otak bengkak lagi..
agak ting-tong daa..


nak jadikan cerita..
malam tadi..
lepas bershopping ngan akak no.2 kat Watsons
n ber Pizza Hut dibelanja oleh member akak aku.. (kui3!)
aku dengan bangga nye..
menjadi manusia yg terakhir di dunia (secara metaphore nye)


yg baru tengok citer
Transfomers : Revenge Of The Fallen


betapa terlambatnye daku..

oh,maaf ye gmbar ni yg transformers first tapi aku suke gambar ni

then..lepas tengok aku terus la tido memandangkan dah lewat malam


pukul 1 lebih da kott..
nak jadikan cerita jugak..
aku bermimpi la dengan sorang mamat ni..
kawan aku jugak..

situasi mimpinye di tepi pantai mane ntah..
aku, dia dan ada lagi orang2 lain aku xtau la mungkin kami dtg beramai2 kt sini..
di sebuah hotel kt tepi pantai..
n then kami jalan keluar dari hotel..
jalan punye jalan..
jumpe pantai
then aku tinggalkan dia kat situ tu
n naik sebuah feri sorang2..


actually aku bukannye nk citer sangat pasal mamat ni..
cuma, apa yg significant tntang mimpi ni..
salah satu dari lagu soundtrack Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen
Never Say Never-The Fray
bermain tanpa henti dlm mimpi aku..
sampai sekarang pun..
lagu tu terus bermain di minda aku..

"Don't Let Me Go"
"Don't Let Me Go"
"Don't Let Me Go"

adakah itu yg aku harapkan dari seseorang?
siapakah orang itu?

kenapakah mamat itu muncul dalam mimpi aku?
actually dh lama xbrhubung dengan dia..
i'm kinda liking him in a proper way..
suka berkawan kot...
he's such a cute anyway..


dalam ramai2 orang,,
kenapa dia?


The Fray - Never Say Never

There's some things we don't talk about
Rather do without
And just hold the smile
Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of
Together all the while

You can never say never
Why we dont know when
Time and time again
Younger now than we were before

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

Picture you're the queen of everything
As far as the eye can see
Under your command
I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling
Steady your hand

You can never say never
Why we dont know when
Time, time and time again
Younger now then we were before

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

We're pulling apart and coming together again and again
We're growing apart but we pull it together, pull it together, together again

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go


Oct 8, 2009

She is... Opt.3



this is the part 3
n the last part about my oka-sama


masih aku ingat di zaman kecik2 dulu..
oka-sama selalu bawak aku jalan2 bile ade lawatan kerja..
mane2 dh aku pergi..
Johor, Melaka, Cameron Highlands, Langkawi, Pulau Pinang, Pulau Redang..
sebab tu sampai skarang pun aku sangat suke melancong n jalan2!

paling aku suke mase jalan2 kat Cameron Highland..
huhuhu..mcm nak pergi lagi la..
xpe bile dah kerja nanti aku nk bawak lagi oka-sama ke sana,,





ape sebenarnye sebab aku kluarkan 3 post tntang oka-sama secara sengaja n tibe2 nih???

hari ini..
8 Oktober 2009

Otanjoubi Omedetto Oka-sama!!!!!!!!!



Hepi Besday 2 u
Hepi Besday 2 me too
(ye la kalo die x lahir aku pn xlahir..thihihi)
Hepi Besday Oka-sama
Hepi Besday 2 u!


tu la punca utama aku menulis tentang oka-sama je xcter tntang aku..

selamat hari lahir yg ke-55
selamat bersara utk oka-sama


hari ni first day untuk beliau bersara officially
waa..bestnye hidup xbekerja..
alih2 masuk duit bulan2 dlm bank..
xpasal2 dh dapat title
"warga emas"

ni la hadiah sempena persaraan dari kerajaan
dan dah diperturunkan kepada aku immediately..
jahat betul amek hadiah org..
suke-suke hati jer..


aku doakan semoga oka-sama panjang umur n sihat2 sentiasa..
semoga Allah sentiasa melindungimu..
dan sentiasa di dalam Rahmat dan Kasih SayangNya


Kau rasa?

Sometimes kau rasa empty bila suami jauh dari kau. Kau rasa takde protection, kau tak rasa belaian kasih sayang dia. Even though nowadays we...