Aug 20, 2010

Tangled Relationships ~


Hi all. Para handsomes and beauties sekalian. Masih gagah lagi untuk beribadat lebih di bulan yang mulia ni? Sabar ye? Paksa diri pun takpe, asalkan ada kesedaran untuk melebihkan ibadat. Bukan apa, hidup kita tak lama, masa untuk kita beribadat pun tak banyak. Tapi yang lama selama-lamanya ialah kehidupan di akhirat sana. Okey, kita kembali ke sri pentas.

Aku nak ajaklah para pembaca yang singgah atau yang dah selalu datang ke teratak hamba ni untuk tengok video ni. Tak lama pun, dalam 2 minit je. Kisah haiwan yang tak punya akal fikiran.

Ya, dalam video ni ada 2 ekor kucing. Satu yang mati, satu masih hidup. Dan yang hidup ni tak berputus asa kejutkan kawannya yang dah mati (mungkin akibat kemalangan jalan raya). Tapi akhirnya, terkedu longlai kesedihan di sebelah jasad kaku sahabatnya itu. Pengasih tak kucing ini wahai tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang dihormati Allah sekalian?? *wah, macam nada Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam pulak.*

My main focus is, how the friendship intermingles with personality. How our personality determine the friendship we had or will have. Yes, we all know ourselves. But sometimes, there's still some people around us that know us better. The best example are our parents. They knew better than we do. And then, our friends. There is, for some reason i will say that, among our friends there will be a friend that will last long with you, and there will be a devilish foe. In Bahasa, i will term it 'duri dalam daging'.

Within friendships, we hi together, hang out together, lepak minum teh tarik and melantak roti canai together, watching football together, but, we did not share all things together. We didn't share awek and pakwe (if you ada), we didn't share toothbrush, and banyak lagi. So, even how close your friendship are, there's still exist a gap between you and your friend. And i urgely wants to say, please keep that gap opened. Don't be too close, and don't be too far.

The thing is, if you keep very close to a person, there will be two results : 1. He/she will stay with you, and keep up with you, 2. He/she will betray you. The reason is because, you expose yourself too much to that person. And sometimes ourselves is not too good, no? And that's why, our personality will determines how our friends deal with us. Say, if you're not so close with your friends, they will treat you quite equal with their other friends. And they will help you like they help other friends. They laugh with you like other friends. For me, this is the advantage. Because you will create a significance to your friends. If you're not around, they'll know. It's not because you're in the same 'group' or 'gang', but because you always appear to be with them and laugh with them.

If you're too close with your friend, there will be much worries. You will wonder why he/she didn't talk to you in a day, why he/she didn't text you in an hour *OH! THIS IS ANNOYING!*, why and why. And you will keep thinking of sticking around them every time. If they can bear with you, it's ok, but if they're not? If they don't like your true self? They will try to ignore you slowly, but cannot run from you, because you keep barking about we're BFF whatever. BFF doesn't means that they know what we do and we don't everyday!

In my personal life, Heiji-san is the best example. She's my best friend, yet she doesn't contact me everyday, so do i. But we keep ourselves close enough that when i say something, she already got an idea on that even i didn't tell her directly. I bet she doesn't know what's my favourite food, no Heiji-san? Haha. That's the way we keep close.

A person like me, i'm not a very good person for you to cling with. But i do clinging with my friends. Easy to say, i'm the annoying kind. Heh. Like i really cares? ;D

About the 'duri dalam daging', enough if i say that, i've been tired for dealing with it. *phew, what a mess...*

p/s : Bila kau nak balik Heiji-san? Cepat2! Aku ada kat sini sampai raya ke-5 je. Raya ke-6, say farewell to me at Sultan Mahmud International Airport jelah ~ =')

Till then, ja ne!


hamzah ian said...

wah,,, sngt sadis

qeqe said...

in the name of Frenship

hamzah ian said...


black_hurricane said...

life's like that..

Betrayal.. Sick of it..


Btw, xnk kenalkn kat aku ke sape Heiji-san?

'Athifah Markzzaki said...

hamzah ian - apa yang sadis?

qeqe - yup2.

ogy - ngehehe.. oi aku pnah citer kt ko la heiji tu.. membe skolah aku (girl).. ko x ingat neh..

black_hurricane said...

Owh.. That one.. Weh, dtg raye umah aku..

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