Oct 10, 2009

Don't Let Me Go

ape la aku ni...
selalu jer mimpi mengarut2 sejak2 ni..
mentang2 la otak bengkak lagi..
agak ting-tong daa..


nak jadikan cerita..
malam tadi..
lepas bershopping ngan akak no.2 kat Watsons
n ber Pizza Hut dibelanja oleh member akak aku.. (kui3!)
aku dengan bangga nye..
menjadi manusia yg terakhir di dunia (secara metaphore nye)


yg baru tengok citer
Transfomers : Revenge Of The Fallen


betapa terlambatnye daku..

oh,maaf ye gmbar ni yg transformers first tapi aku suke gambar ni

then..lepas tengok aku terus la tido memandangkan dah lewat malam


pukul 1 lebih da kott..
nak jadikan cerita jugak..
aku bermimpi la dengan sorang mamat ni..
kawan aku jugak..

situasi mimpinye di tepi pantai mane ntah..
aku, dia dan ada lagi orang2 lain aku xtau la mungkin kami dtg beramai2 kt sini..
di sebuah hotel kt tepi pantai..
n then kami jalan keluar dari hotel..
jalan punye jalan..
jumpe pantai
then aku tinggalkan dia kat situ tu
n naik sebuah feri sorang2..


actually aku bukannye nk citer sangat pasal mamat ni..
cuma, apa yg significant tntang mimpi ni..
salah satu dari lagu soundtrack Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen
Never Say Never-The Fray
bermain tanpa henti dlm mimpi aku..
sampai sekarang pun..
lagu tu terus bermain di minda aku..

"Don't Let Me Go"
"Don't Let Me Go"
"Don't Let Me Go"

adakah itu yg aku harapkan dari seseorang?
siapakah orang itu?

kenapakah mamat itu muncul dalam mimpi aku?
actually dh lama xbrhubung dengan dia..
i'm kinda liking him in a proper way..
suka berkawan kot...
he's such a cute anyway..


dalam ramai2 orang,,
kenapa dia?


The Fray - Never Say Never

There's some things we don't talk about
Rather do without
And just hold the smile
Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of
Together all the while

You can never say never
Why we dont know when
Time and time again
Younger now than we were before

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

Picture you're the queen of everything
As far as the eye can see
Under your command
I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling
Steady your hand

You can never say never
Why we dont know when
Time, time and time again
Younger now then we were before

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

We're pulling apart and coming together again and again
We're growing apart but we pull it together, pull it together, together again

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go



heijihatsutori said...

Woaa~ ko tlah mmbri ak idea yg bernas untk tmbh lgu kt playlist ak!!! muahaha~

About the 'dia', who's that? hehe~ x knal maa~

Ko bkan org last yg tngok cite 2..dun worry..coz ak dh ade brkurun cite 2 lam lptop tpi x tngok2 jugk..hahaha! Kire ak lg truk r n kot? hehe~

Blog ko mkin lame mkin advance..jeles r ak! Haha~ nk tnya ko tukr cmne yg kt bwah post 2 ditulis oleh si cantik (mmg cntik pun) kimmy pas2 yg comment 2..bgtaw sket? Nk tukr gk..hehe~

Pehl pun, trimas!

*quickly go and add the song* ^^

'Athifah Markzzaki said...

hehe...sile2 kn letak..

n actually i'm still looking for a new playlist..huhu..oh,,
maybe not a playlist but just a song..hihi..
(pikir nk letak "already gone" kot)

ouh..dh tengok ye gmbar die?
itu la encik arif yg aku cter dulu..
err,,mgkin kau dh lupe kot..

tu ar..trase boring yg amat mase tu..
that's why la terselongkar koleksi movie2 trbaru (thanks to you!) utk hilangkn bosan tuh..hihihi..

ohh..that's so easy..
from [dashboard],
go to [layout],,
dekat page elements tu,
click [edit] kat [blog posts]
then,,u may figured it out yourself there!
haha..try la..
as easy as ABC!!!

heijihatsutori said...

Ah~ already gone mmg best!! ^^

Arif...ngat...dk volleyball eh? Low x clap ak...yg lgu ungu _ gelap 2 eh? Hehe~

Haha~ ak lpa ko amek ngan ak cite 2...heh! Bgus r ko enjoy p! ^^

Oh~ ok r try...trimas! ^^giad

'Athifah Markzzaki said...

oh..no,,itu Afif ler..

Arif ni kwn aku mase jd Fasi KMNS tu..

huhu,nmpaknye ilmu yg aku bg tuh dh diaplikasikn!! cyeh~
haha..anyway,u're welcome!

heijihatsutori said...

Oh~ slah org siot...haha!! Gomene~

A'ah...dh tukr..hahaha!!! Arigatou!!

FYI secret shelter 2 inspirsi dri lgu shelter Jejung n Yuchun (2 mmber TVXQ Hehe~ dowg wt single 2 org je nyanyi instead of the usual 5..) best gle lgu n! Ade lam playlist ak..hehe~

Nk promote je bnrnye...muahaha~ *wink*

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