Oct 12, 2009

Day 16_Goodbye sickness, Goodbye sadness

it's been awhile since my last post about my-new-baby that is my lovely left arm
(is it really lovely? *sigh*)
haha..actually i'm not really that busy and i'm always online everyday and playing games
(hope that many reader will be so jealous to me..hahahaha!)
it just that i'm a bit lazy (yeah, you are..admit it!) to update about my health and left arm daily because of the slow progress of my left arm.
so, i think that the readers will be boring to read the same topic again and again, right?

Now, my left arm's condition was getting better day to day.
The swollen part that i have mentioned before was already gone since i'm taking a good care of it
(yeah, i'm good at taking care of those kind of things even wounds and scars)
haha..i'm not being proud or what, just telling some hidden facts about me. xD
oh, what i actually did was just a simple thing, i just put some ice to the swollen part and in two days, the swell disappeared..yay! goodbye sickness!


oh, last week after i went to the physiotherapy in HSNZ, i have been taught some of the exercises and tips to do in home (let's call it homework! ahaha) so i have already done it.
the results was really great. my left arm seems to be very good in function.
the rest is just the loss of touch sensation.
i think that the loss of touch sensation will be permanent...herm..*thinking*

but, it's ok. for me, it's just a small matter. i've already chosen this path and i won't turning back.

what kind of homework i've been given? haha..just some simple task.
i've to put my left arm in hot water, exercise involving left leg, and doing things more using left arm.. sure it isn't very hard, right? and i enjoyed doing those things..hahaha

my headache was finally mislaid slowly. there is still presence of the pain, but it is in on and off.

ah, today, 12/10/09 i went to the physiotherapy again. haha..this time also playing the dumbell plus some childish games..haha..feels like i'm gone back to the past again..ahaks~

main penyepit baju

main bende nyet-nyet (really don't know what it is called..hehe)

then, after the session, me and my mother went to the Pantai Batu Burok to have some drinks and ikan kembung celup tepung and breathing fresh air (haha). so, let the pictures be the end of this...



heijihatsutori said...

Glad that you're alright!!! ^^ Oya3x~ haha~

Missed keropok...(and you too of course *wink*) arghh!!! T_T

'Athifah Markzzaki said...

owh yeah..thihihihi..

huh?suh la mak kau postkn keropok..thihihihi..
(hehe~of course me also!)


heijihatsutori said...

Loh~ post amek msa maa...huhu~

(glad 2 hear that! ^^)

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